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br Conflict of interest br Introduction
Conflict of interest Introduction Baseline ablation strategies targeting PVs It is well known that PVI was first developed to eliminate the triggers that initiate attacks of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation [1]. Subsequently, the additional function of the PV myocardium to perpetuate atrial f
br Conclusion br Conflict of interest br Introduction
Conclusion Conflict of interest Introduction Recent trials of the use of implantable electronic devices, including implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators (CRT-Ds) show survival benefits [1–3]. As a result, implantable electronic d
br Sensors for HF monitoring can be classified according
Sensors for HF monitoring can be classified according to the technical instrumentation. Table 2 summarizes the sensors that have been used or proposed to monitor the events of HF. The paced QRS enables the determination of the QT duration. In addition, the QRS width, measured as the ventricular de
br Panels A to D show intracardiac
Panels A to D show intracardiac recordings of the HRA extrastimuli with A1A2 intervals of 320−290ms at a basic CL of 600ms. The AV conduction intervals were increased gradually rather than suddenly, so that an Ae with an A2–V2–Ae sequence could be provoked only at 310ms and 300ms, followed by no A
Pellicer alude a esta leyenda varias veces
Pellicer alude OSMI-1 esta leyenda varias veces en “Oda a Cuauhtémoc”, con imágenes que sugieren la batalla con un astro, la estrella de la aurora de Quetzalcóatl, que en el poema representa un destino fatal: “El arco negro se tendió ante la aurora / y en el último astro fue a clavarse la flecha” (v
La an cdota dialoga con el acto de traducci
La anécdota dialoga con el acto de traducción que Mier y Rodríguez realizan de la novela de Chateaubriand y, de hecho, pueden pensarse, gracias a la disposición que Mier les da en el mismo capítulo de su escrito, como actos análogos que implican la toma de posesión y desviación de la voz del extranj
TMC125 br The Oct Comment by Chris Collins and
The Oct 17 Comment by Chris Collins and Chris Beyrer raises several important challenges associated with strengthening country ownership and accelerating progress in the global HIV/AIDS response. Working together with our partners, the US President\'s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is fir
br Malaria is a major
Malaria is a major public health problem and a leading cause of mortality worldwide, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where 90% of the world\'s 627 000 malaria deaths occur every year. However, the disease is usually curable if diagnosed quickly. Diagnosis is often made on the basis of clinical s
Cyclosporine Wheeze is a common symptom in patients with ast
Wheeze is a common symptom in patients with Cyclosporine and an uncommon symptom in COPD caused by tobacco smoke. The high prevalence of wheeze in this study suggests that COPD caused by biomass smoke might be a different phenotype than COPD caused by tobacco smoke. Biomass COPD mainly affects airw
En realidad el texto con el que Granada concluye su
En realidad el texto, con el que Granada concluye su Introducción al Símbolo de la Fé, consta de diez capítulos en los que se insiste en no explicar purchase Beauvericin los que quieran convertirse de manera inmediata “los misterios del cristianismo, porque no creen aún, sino que hay que llevarlos p
In summary Welch and colleagues review is
In summary, Welch and colleagues\' review is important. Not all systematic reviews on the same topic reach the same conclusion, but the convergence between the Campbell and Cochrane reviews here could hardly be stronger. The additional network and subgroup analyses in the Campbell review find no evi
CHS828 The principal difference between BrS and
The principal difference between BrS and ERS is related to the region of the ventricle most affected. Epicardial mapping studies in BrS patients report accentuated J waves and fragmented and/or late potentials in the epicardial region of the RVOT [129–131], whereas in ERS only accentuated J waves, p
Gender transformative policy and cultural reforms are also
Gender transformative policy and cultural reforms are also crucial to change prevailing norms and customs that devalue women and girls. Implementation and enforcement of non-discriminatory policies and practices that require gender equity in inheritance, property rights, education, and civil liberti
purchase Zoniporide hydrochloride will be remembered as an e
2013 will be remembered as an exceptional year in shaping our strategy to control HIV/AIDS. Indeed, a few weeks after the 30th anniversary of the discovery of the virus, a decisive step was made in deciding how to use antiretroviral therapy (ART) for treatment and prevention worldwide. New WHO publi
br An estimated million babies are born preterm annually
An estimated 15 million babies are born preterm annually. Preterm birth complications account for more than 15% of deaths in children younger than 5 years and survivors often have long-term consequences with respect to their health, growth, and psychosocial functioning. The most beneficial interve
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