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O Comit de Reda o de Araucaria de Chile
O Comitê de Redação de Araucaria de Chile, que o integrou permanentemente até sua última publicação em 1990, foi composto pelos seguintes intelectuais chilenos: Luis Bocaz, professor, crítico e ensaísta; Osvaldo Fernández, professor de filosofia; e o jornalista Luis Alberto Mansilla. O economista Al
TPPU br Methods br Discussion We observed
Methods Discussion We observed a significantly lower than expected Day +100 TRM. Other NMAT studies [4,5] have shown similar findings, although 60% of our trial TPPU had high risk disease per the CIBMTR classification. In this and other studies, late TRM and disease progression remains proble
HBeAg positive patients older than years
HBeAg-positive patients older than 40 years with persistently high or high to normal ALT levels may be diagnosed with significant hepatic necroinflammation or fibrosis. During treatment, the clinical significance of timing of HBeAg loss or seroconversion remains unclear. However, a longer duration o
It is noted that in this study BrS patients
It is noted that in this study BrS patients had an abnormality of plasma K+ concentration which has been suggested to be a potential trigger of Brugada Syndrome episodes [11]. In the absence of renal dysfunction, the hyperkalemia may result from an abnormal phenotype in BrS characterized by mutation
br We sincerely appreciate the comment by Lombardi et
We sincerely appreciate the comment by Lombardi et al on our published paper. demonstrates the incidence of dyspnea and the discontinuation of ticagrelor due to dyspnea in patients who reported dyspnea in Phase 3/4 clinical trials of acute coronary syndrome with available relevant data. Our study
br Material and methods br Results br Discussion ES
Material and methods Results Discussion ES-SCLC is a disease with poor prognosis. Treatment outcome has not improved significantly during the last decades despite great efforts have been made. Maintenance therapy has been tried in several clinical trials with the aim to prevent the onset of
br Clinical evidence to support that PES predicts cardiac ev
Clinical evidence to support that PES predicts cardiac events in BS Brugada et al. were the first to propose that inducibility of sustained ventricular arrhythmias with PES is useful to identify patients who are at high risk of SCD [3]. During follow-up of patients with spontaneous type 1 Brugada
br Results In all patients no abnormalities were found
Results In all patients, no abnormalities were found in the left axillary, left subclavian, or left brachiocephalic veins, such as blood vessel occlusion or stenosis. The procedure time was 138.6±41.8min in the conventional puncture group (Group A) and was 109.8±23.2min in the catheter-guided pun
br Discussion Over the past two
Discussion Over the past two decades, the incidence of second primary malignancy has progressively risen among cancer survivors and is an issue of increasingly greater concern in oncology. The increasing incidence may be due to the elevated rate of early cancer detection, improved cancer treatmen
br Conflict of interest br Introduction
Conflict of interest Introduction Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a tumor arising from the epithelial cells that line the surface of the nasopharynx. It is a commonly found tumor of the head and neck region in adults, and its incidence varies widely in different regions. It has been observed
br Update on the diagnosis of ERS ERS is generally
Update on the diagnosis of ERS ERS is generally diagnosed in patients who display ER in the inferior and/or lateral leads presenting with aborted cardiac arrest, documented VF, or polymorphic VT. Consistent with the recent consensus report on ERP [24], ER is recognized if (1) there is an end QRS
As en una parodia llevada al extremo del absurdo de
Así, en una parodia llevada al extremo del absurdo de esta escritura blanca o vacía, Amélie descubre finalmente que los tesoros vivientes no escriben, sus libros son “maquetas empastadas con las hojas en blanco” (55). Tekendogo es un país donde la dictadura se legitima Kenpaullone través de una ritu
In Tara Mangal and colleagues report the results of their
In , Tara Mangal and colleagues report the results of their case-control study into the persistence of poliomyelitis in Nigeria, which identified low vaccine efficacy, poor vaccine coverage, suboptimum PPM-18 immunity, rejection and refusal of vaccine, and lack of awareness as issues responsible fo
En Argentina previamente al golpe militar tambi n reinaba
En Argentina, previamente al golpe militar, también reinaba un gobierno democrático cada vez más represivo. El mismo día del retorno de Juan Domingo Perón después de larguísimos años de proscripción, el enfrentamiento entre los principales grupos de las distintas tendencias al interior del peronismo
Houve uma tentativa por aglutinar as fra
Houve uma tentativa por aglutinar as frações mais radicais da esquerda em torno da Alianza Revolucionaria de Izquierda (ari), tendo em vista as eleições presidenciais de 1980. No entanto, esta aliança só durou três meses e foi rompida por diferenças mesquinhas entre as dirigências políticas, o que g
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