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El presente art culo busca exponer un panorama
El presente artículo busca exponer un panorama general de la dinámica de movilización y representación política emprendida por los principales movimientos sociales presentes en Perú, los cuales se desenvuelven en un contexto signado aún por las reformas estructurales, los cambios constitucionales y
Esta autonom a junto a su prop sito de
Esta autonomía, junto hydroxybutyrate su propósito de cambio social y su propuesta de una novedosa perspectiva sobre la política, convierte a los movimientos sociales en una particular fuente de conflicto, incluso en el contexto de estos países estudiados. La conflictividad es uno de los ejes presen
More than structural haemoglobin variants have been describe
More than 900 structural haemoglobin variants have been described. Of these more than 100 show high oxygen affinity [2]. Erythrocytosis caused by Hb Ypsilanti was first described in 1967 [3], and the mutation results in substitution of amino buy 4EGI-1 (β99 Asp→Tyr) involved in the stability of the
National coverage trends were accelerated because of the
National coverage trends were accelerated because of the contribution of trends in the two poorest quintiles. In middle-income countries, for example, the estimated increase in national trends was around 25% faster as a result of the contribution of poor populations. Increases in coverage in rural a
br Conclusion br Conflict of interest br Introduction Loss o
Conclusion Conflict of interest Introduction Loss-of-function mutations in the cardiac sodium (Na+) channel gene have been implicated in Brugada syndrome, progressive cardiac conduction defect (PCCD), sick sinus syndrome, and idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) [1]. In the present stu
People in LMICs are disproportionately exposed to severe acu
People in LMICs are disproportionately exposed to severe acute kidney injury and have substantially less access to effective treatment than do people in higher-income countries. Framing acute kidney injury as a driver of substantial inequity in disease risk and mortality in low-resource countries, t
Preference for injectable therapy over oral therapy contrary
Preference for injectable therapy over oral therapy [17], contrary to our findings from a previous study [18], could reflect the fact that most patients have not received an oral bone-targeted agent for metastatic disease. However, the practical advantages of an injectable therapy and the lack of n
I received a grant from The Kendeda Fund to write
I received a grant from The Kendeda Fund to write and promote my book, , on which this comment is based. I thank Richard King (Chatham House, London, UK) for data assistance, Christian Guthier (All is Possible, Oxford, UK) for graphic design, and Sarah Cornell (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm
In patients with typical atrial flutter circulating around t
In patients with typical atrial flutter circulating around the tricuspid valve, the verification of a bidirectional conduction block is recommended for cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) ablation, because a unidirectional conduction block at the CTI has been previously reported to cause recurrence of atria
buy LY 2157299 Numerous clinical trials phase II and phase I
Numerous clinical trials (phase II and phase III) have been then designed to evaluate the efficacy of denosumab in oncology mainly in breast and prostate bone metastases (Table 1). These studies revealed that denosumab reduced significantly bone turnover markers similarly to osteoporotic patients. M
br Es curioso observar que en el
Es curioso observar que en el terreno de la crítica musical, la tarea fundamental es evidentemente depurar la teoría de todo aquello que obstaculiza la formulación precisa de los elementos esenciales de la música. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de estudiar el tema de la música en la literatura, nada
The concept of substrate mapping and
The concept of substrate mapping and ablation evolved from these surgical experiences. Unlike surgeons who can visually identify the infarct region, electrophysiologists must locate the abnormal region using the guidance of local ventricular electrograms. Marchlinski et al. reported that voltage map
Yang et al reported PSA triggered TRUSP biopsy
Yang et al. reported PSA triggered TRUSP biopsy in Korea. This study included 75 patients younger than 40 years of age, with PSA > 4.0 ng/mL; the PCa detection rate was 1.3% in the Korean study. In comparison, there were substantially more abnormal DRE findings and significant LUTS findings in our s
En esa reuni n se acord hacer un
En esa reunión se acordó hacer un llamamiento para sugerir acciones de cara buy 3-Methyladenine anular aquella celebración. Al día siguiente, se realizó una asamblea en el Casal Catalán a la que ya acudieron un centenar de personas, convocadas de forma improvisada y movilizadas por el boca a boca. F
br Case report The patient then achieved disease free status
Case report The patient then achieved disease-free status as noted in a series of routine image studies during regular follow-up at our oncology clinic. In November 2011, she presented due to hematuria for several days. Diagnostic cystoscopy showed a mass lesion on the urinary bladder. Whole body
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